They are considered one of the smartest countries, and most technology comes from Japan companies like Sony and Bandai are from. Also if you like games, most of them come from Japan. If you like anime (which I will be talking about later one) guess where is all comes from, that’s right Japan. The following things I found out when reading things on Japan, and I just had to laugh because they are so funny, or they are interesting in some way.
We will start out with music obviously there music in Japanese but the most listened genre is techno by far. They still have like new wave and metal but more people listen to techno over there then anywhere else I’m sure. And I have some of their techno and it’s awesome but most people in U.S don’t listen to techno much. Also just like guitar hero over here the Japanese have DDR which id Dance Dance revolution that’s been a huge hit over there they play that more then guitar hero. They even have huge monitors on the side of the arcade buildings showing the 2 people dancing, and you never guess what kind of music is on DDR that’s right techno.
One of my favorite things is the cartoons over there or what they call anime. It’s always funny to here the replies from people when you talk about anime, they always say things like or there just cartoons there meant for kids. it is not all meant for kids. There are some with really good mature stories that adults can watch. They very from very violent actions to drama’s to romance’s you name it you can probably find an anime about it. My personal favorite is probably Hellsing ultimate or code geass. There are so many anime’s you could easily get lost in all the stories. Compare anime’s to American cartoons and anime is a lot better. Some of them you can get so lost in the story when it ends you just keep thinking how awesome the show was. I have to get anime though or I could talk type forever.
one thing i read recently is that japan's poulation is rapidly decresing. i thought that would be on of the last countries to have that problem. i wanted to know more but so far i have not heard anything new.
A bad but funny thing about Japan is has some kind perverted things at least compared to other countries, what other country lets you buy used panties from vending machines. Yeah I am not lying they have vending machines that dispense used panties with the picture of who was wearing them on the front of the package…. Pretty screwed up huh? Well it gets worse did you know the legal age for sex in Japan 13 yeah 13 years old, that’s pretty nasty. Also it is perfectly legal there to be a prostitute if you’re married as long as the spouse agrees. I have read stories where the wife does not have a job she is prostitute and have regular clients, and when the interviewer asked the husband what he thought the man replied. “I don’t care because I know she just loves me plus the extra money is great.” All you can say is wow. I don’t know if all couples do it but its legal there , that’s was kind of weird to me. And the last thing I am going to say on this subject is there is a place in Japan where the city metro station travels above ground and snakes threw building, no big deal right well guess what monument sits straddling the rails that’s right a anime school girl I will post the picture below but be warned that it is real and its very weird. If you don’t want to see it then doesn’t look at the pictures with this post. I was thinking about not putting this subject into this blog because it’s not very appropriate for a college blog but you can’t talk about Japan with out knowing some of these things and I will probably be talking about Japan a lot in my upcoming blogs my next blog will be about Japan too maybe ever a 3rd who knows, I don’t… or do I. Plus it’s kind of funny, and interesting what normal life consists of in other countries. I could easily do another post about this so I might some time. I will some time in my life go to Japan, maybe when I get out of college you never know.