Tools used for infiltration and espionage and assassinations. Ropes and grappling hooks were common, and were tied to the belt a collapsible ladder also sometimes used. Spiked or hooked climbing gear worn on the hands and feet also doubled as weapons and the ninja would use the claws on his hands to block sword strikes and would make for an effective countering move. Others include chisels, hammers, drills, picks and so others like that to carve into a wall to make foot holes.
The kunai was a heavy pointed tool that kind of looks masonry trowel. Although it is often portrayed as a weapon, the kunai was primarily used for gouging holes in walls. Knives and small saws were also used to create holes in buildings, where they served as a foothold or a passage of entry, like the hammers drills and so one from above.
Although shorter swords and daggers were used, the katana was probably the ninja's weapon of choice like the samurai, and was most of the time carried on the back unlike on the hip like the samurai. The katana had several uses beyond normal combat like the sword could also be laid against the wall, where the ninja could use the sword guard (tsuba) to gain a higher foothold. While straight swords were used before the invention of the katana, the straight ninjatō was used.
An array of darts, spikes, knives, and sharp, star-shaped discs were known collectively as shuriken. They were an important part of the arsenal, where they could be thrown to mostly cause a distraction so the ninja had an opening. Bows were used for sharpshooting, ninja bows were intentionally made smaller than the traditional yumi (longbow) so they can be carried and shoot while remaining stealthy. The kusarigama or the chain and sickle were also used by the ninja. This weapon consisted of a weight on one end of a chain, and a sickle or a (kama) on the other. The weight was swung to injure or disable an opponent, and the sickle used to kill at close range.
When explosives were introduced in Japan hand-held bombs and grenades were adopted by the ninja to cause a distraction or to injure a group of people, they were also useful in starting fires. Soft-cased bombs were designed to release smoke or poison gas, along with fragmentation explosives packed with iron or pottery shrapnel to cause massive damage. Later the ninja adopted this into eggs, they would make a hole in an egg empty it all out and packed the empty shell with various things the most common was glass, and they would use these egg (black eggs) in a fight, they would smash the egg in the eyes of there opponent and they glass would grind in there eyes causing massive damage to there eyes and making easy for the ninja to escape or to execute a killing blow. Things like the black egg just go to show the creative minds of the ninja making weapons and tools to make there job easier and more effective. The ninja had to use weapons multiple ways because he could not carry to many things because then he would be weighed down. There are many miscellaneous arms that were associated with the ninja. Some examples include, caltrops, cane swords (shikomizue), land mines, blowguns, and poisoned darts. Poison was a very valuable tools to the ninja they could kill elite samurai with one little poison dart shot into his neck. They also would use it for assassinations, where they would put it in food or in a drink and then be gone before the target died.
Once again I ran too long so my next blog will finish where this one left off