Now I know what you’re thinking what does this title have to do with this story well if you don’t know what a basilisk, is it’s a lizard that eats the eggs of birds and such and lays its own and when that eggs hatch the babies devour the mother bird. And I chose this name because of the Iga leader kind of doing the same thing. Well won’t ruin the story anymore enjoy.
Out of the use of ninjas there developed two main clans, the Iga of Mie prefecture and the Koga of Shiga prefecture.
The Koga and Iga inhabited the same mountain range, in two valleys divided by a mountain. Being completely isolated from military and Samurai, they lived as farmers and they helped the locals with medicines, and farming.
Most of the Koga and Iga were descendents from other Warriors that settled in the region. Other Iga and Koga groups consisted of wandering Ronin, who were master-less Samurai. And even thought they lived in the same valley and studied the same arts they were enemies and they hated each other. They would often go to war with each other to prove who the better clan was.
For a while there was a stalemate and nether attacked, but the mood was still bad between them, after a while they started to talk to each other and some even became friends with each other. Most of the people in the clans still hated there rivals though and they did not like the new friendly mood.
There were even stories told where the next leader of the Koga would marry the next leader of the Iga to unify the two warring clans. But the some of the people of the clans did not like this idea, and would not agree to this unifying proclamation.
Even thought the 2 were going to marry for there clans they still loved each other and wanted there people stop the war, but before that could happen there was betrayal. One of the head leaders of the Iga hated the idea of the two clans joining, he thought that the Koga were vile creatures and would stop at nothing to keep them from joining the ranks of the Iga clan. So in the cover of darkness the Iga ninja attacked its own clan killing many and staged the whole thing on the Koga which they knew nothing about the attack. Of course the Iga were furious that they Koga would attack them and break the treaty so they set out to confront the Koga. Once they got to the Koga village they approached the leader and asked him of the attack, of course the leader knew nothing of the attack on the Iga village. The Iga were angry because they thought he was lying so they raged war and started killing the Koga ninja, and so the war raged on and the to clans had many battles and many died,
Even though the two clans were constantly at war they were still the greatest ninja’s in the country. And the shoguns knew this and constantly enlisted there help in their campaigns. Once the warring states ended they ninja’s had to use anymore so they started teaching people the ways of the ninja passing there knowledge down to there students and kids. Even thought there were tons of ninja clans the two main clans koga and iga are still known today for there story of to lovers tore apart by there warring clans. Movies and shows tell this story and it’s a great story even more so because it’s true. The greatest ninja clan’s have rivals too. And they didn’t bother with a code or honor they were there to win and to prove there skills, and they would stop at nothing to complete there mission.