Ninja would also use various fight weapons too like the bow staff, they would use thins long staff because it kept the enemies at a distance, Also the kusarigama which I wrote about before. Swords of course where the main weapon still. Scythes were also used but not very often because of there sizes. Sai’s where also used because of there 3 prongs they could catch incoming swords in them and quickly twist the sword disarming the enemy. Yomi’s were used just like the bow keeping them at a distance and with the sharp edge making it an affective killing weapon.
Shurikens have many designs and there to many to count, and they range from stars to spikes to crosses, in modern days the Shuriken looks wild and amazing but the ninja used simple shapes because they were disposable and he could not get them back, they also had to me small because they carried a lot of them.
A weapon people don’t relate to ninjas or don’t even know are the knuckle dusters. knuckle dusters are what commonly called wolverine claws because they are the same thing as the comic character has. But the ninja actually used them because it left there hands open to grab the sword when they blocked it with the claws. Or even some ninja’s used other weapons with the knuckle dusters. Like a tanto (short sword) or Shurikens something small.
But possible the main weapon for the ninja was the blow dart which enabled them to kill enemies from affair while staying hidden. The blow gun was small and easily concealable. The blow gun also was used as a breathing aperatice when the ninja was under water. The ninja would wait under water for hours using the blowgun as a breather and then there target come into view they would nail him in the throat with a dart. Ninjas were so accurate with that blow gun they would hit the target in the jugular causing massive bleeding or with a poison dart, causing death even faster. They had to be accurate because samurai wore full body armor and the dart would not have enough penetration to get threw it so they would have to get them where their skin was venerable, and sometimes the only spot was the face.
Another tool to the ninja was not what they used but what they wore they would be in a costume to sneak by guards unnoticed during the day. But in the night they would be in full black garb. And ninjas did not wear a lot of body armor so fighting was usually avoided.
But the most important tool for all ninja’s was the knowledge they had to survive. They knew about nature and how to adapt to it. They knew about chemicals for making poisons and smoke bombs. They knew how to sneak when to move when to avoid battle. They knew how to adapt to there surroundings and how to change a plan based to the situation.

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